By law, in Louisiana, any aggressive alligator that "causes" an aggressive alligator complaint, must be removed(killed).
BTW, it is now illegal to feed alligators in Louisiana.
A fed gator is a dead gator, because feeding alligators causes them to lose their natural fear of man, and then they are often thought to be aggressive when approaching someone who does not know they only want to to be fed.
Also if an alligator is falsely accused, or thought to be, or mistaken for, "being aggressive",
and reported to the Louisiana Department Of Wildlife and Fishries, it is not investigated, and it might also be killed by the morons who are paid with taxpayer dollars "to protect the public" and destroy the natural beauty and wonder in My Wild Louisiana!
I am getting pissed off at the morons who think they are doing a good thing to report a "bad" alligator, and cause the demise of these wonderful creatures who are as maligned and feared as wolves.
I am Marcus de la Houssaye, owner and operator of de la Houssaye's Swamp Tours, and I can be rached at 337 298 2630 if you would like to make a reservation to do an alligator swamp tour with me at Lake Martin.