Swamp People television has certainly put a focus on alligators and generated a great deal of enthusiasm among the TV shows fans to experience the Louisiana swamp and alligators up close and in person.

I have done my part to indulge my guests as much as possible.

The momma gator who was guarding her nest last summer cooperated with a display of teeth and hissing.

The photo below is a mound of decomposing plants. In the core of that alligator nest is a couple dozen alligator eggs.
Typically she waits near the nest just below the surface with only her nostrils and eyes up in the air.
Should I approach the nest while she is guarding it(and I do),
she will come out of the water and confront me,

putting herself in between me and her as yet unhatched babies as seen below.

Don't worry, I am a professional alligator wrangler,

I have been doing this on swamp tours for years,

and I make it look easy!

If you would like to join me for a swamp tour on Lake Martin, just south of Breaux Bridge, you can call me at 337 298 2630.
In the Youtube video below, you can see me engaging the momma alligator on tour last year.